Stunning Yale Theatre Graduate Thrives With Pole Dancing Company, Details How Craft Helped With Ment

PAY ATTENTION: Follow Briefly News on Twitter and never miss the hottest topics! Find us at @brieflyza! A stunning graduate from Yale University is absolutely flourishing with her pole dancing and body movement business, called Mind, Body, Spirit Collective (MBSC) which she started in July 2020, during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • A gorgeous graduate from Yale University is thriving with her pole dancing company, Mind, Body, Spirit Collective (MBSC), which she started during the height of the Covid-19 lockdown in 2020
  • Cami Árboles started to really get into the pole dancing craft two years ago during a period when her mental health was at its lowest because of the pandemic
  • The young stunner says that her dancing became her salvation, with the babe even teaching big-name artist, SZA how to pole dance

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A stunning graduate from Yale University is absolutely flourishing with her pole dancing and body movement business, called Mind, Body, Spirit Collective (MBSC) which she started in July 2020, during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Los Angeles-based Cami Árboles, who had her official physical graduation in May of this year, said she was very depressed during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and that is when she decided to really get into pole dancing.

While the young babe had taught yoga and pole dancing classes during her time at Yale, the lockdown made her even more passionate about the craft and she started giving lessons on Instagram, Refinery29 wrote.

The young woman, who initially registered for a pre-med program, decided to follow her passion and study theatre, completing her course in 2020, Forbes reported.

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Graduating during a pandemic

Cami was super disappointed that she couldn’t attend a physical graduation and was even more disheartened about the pandemic hampering her plans to move to New York to take on the world of acting, The Cut wrote. The businesswoman notes that pole dancing helped with her mental health during a time when she was severely depressed.

“The pole was the one thing I could look forward to, even if everything else was going bad or felt bleak. I could at least go to the pole every day for a couple of hours and learn a new trick, and it would give me the boost of serotonin I needed to continue my day,” she said.

After her 2020 graduation ceremony was held online on Zoom, the young lady decided to have her own little celebration and pole danced in her grad gown and cap, with the Instagram video going viral on social media.

Cami later started her business, which she notes was aimed at helping women reclaim their bodies through movement, with the entrepreneur even teaching renowned artist SZA how to pole dance, The Cut wrote.

“It was so synchronous because there was one scene that we choreographed where she was pole dancing in a library holding a book and that’s exactly how I felt my last semester at Yale University, just studying and pole dancing all of the time. I was like, ‘I’ve never related to anything more,’” she said.

But the talented dancer wasn’t always super confident about her craft, with others criticising her online dancing.

“There were some points where they were just like, ‘What are you doing? How did you go to Yale and now spend all your time dancing in your underwear on the Internet? What if the family sees all this stuff,’” she explained.

But the young woman has since said that she has decided to stop gatekeeping herself and is confident with her business and the way it empowers other women.

Woman’s dancing while working out mesmerises Mzansi with her smooth moves: “My girl is levitating”

In another story by Briefly News, a stunning South African lady showed off crazy dance moves while strapped to a workout machine by her shins.

The young lady's core strength was complimented by locals who were in absolute awe of her strength.

The 37-second clip had thirsty men and women rushing to @mofumahadi_K's replies section to shoot their shots.

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