What did Drew Carey Say About His Weight Loss Journey?

Drew Allison Carey is an American comedian, actor and game show host. Carey rose to fame in his own sitcom and The Drew Carey Show after serving in the U.S. Marine Corps and building a reputation in stand-up comedy. Fans are curious about his weight loss and you can learn more about his journey in

Drew Allison Carey is an American comedian, actor and game show host. Carey rose to fame in his own sitcom and The Drew Carey Show after serving in the U.S. Marine Corps and building a reputation in stand-up comedy. Fans are curious about his weight loss and you can learn more about his journey in this post.

What Did Drew Carey Do To Lose His Weight?

Drew Carey’s weight loss struggle has evolved into a motivational story of tenacity and transformation. He tried numerous diets and followed strenuous exercise regimens, but he couldn’t seem to get rid of the additional weight that had gathered over the years.

Drew Carey is a living example of the extraordinary strength of willpower and the potential for life-changing transformation today.

Drew Carey’s physical metamorphosis had a good effect on his lifestyle as well, leading him to adopt strenuous fitness regimens including tennis, running, horseback riding and swimming.

Drew tried water aerobics, jogging, cycling and yoga as part of his journey to success, but these endeavors had little to show for them.

His journey rose to prominence as one of the most astounding weight reduction success tales, motivating other people to pursue their own fitness and health objectives including famous people like Jason Priestley and Brad Pitt.

You can check out our below posts related to other stars weight loss journey:

What did Drew Carey Say About His Weight?

Drew Carey has been regarded as a lovable, cuddly type. However he claims in an interview that being large was a burden, so he had to adapt. At the CBS, Showtime, and The CW TCA Party in Beverly Hills, Carey said:

“It sucks being fat, you know, I was diabetic with Type-2 diabetes.”

Carey lost his weight after starting a tight regimen that included cutting out carbohydrates from his diet and going to the gym regularly. He says, “I’m not diabetic anymore. No medication needed.”  Carey said:

“No carbs, I have cheated a couple times, but basically no carbs, not even a cracker. No bread at all. No pizza, nothing. No corn, no beans, no starches of any kind. Egg whites in the morning or like, Greek yogurt, cut some fruit.”

He eats fruit for snacks and will have grilled chicken, steamed vegetables, and water for supper. He said, “I don’t drink anything but water, No coffee, no tea, no soda.” He maintains his fitness routine and claims that going to the gym is crucial. He said:

“Lots of cardio. About 45 minutes of cardio, at least 45 minutes of cardio. I’ve been kind of lazy like lately, so I’m not doing it 6 days a week, but I will be for this next month.”

Carey’s goal is to shed another 10 pounds and get smaller to a size 32 after all this discipline has reduced him from a size 44 to a 33-34 in jeans. He continued:

“I like being skinny, I was sick of being fat on the camera. Really, I just got sick of it. Once I started losing weight, again, like once I started dropping a couple pant sizes, then it was easy ’cause once you see the results, then you don’t wanna stop.”

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