3B Hair Type: How To Take Care Of Those Curls

The 3B hair type is a specific classification within the hair typing system developed by Andre Walker. It is characterized by well-defined, tight curls that resemble a spring. The curls are usually voluminous and have a circumference similar to a Sharpie marker.

The 3B hair type is a specific classification within the hair typing system developed by Andre Walker. It is characterized by well-defined, tight curls that resemble a spring. The curls are usually voluminous and have a circumference similar to a Sharpie marker.

This hair type tends to be prone to frizz and can be a bit coarse. 3B often has a medium to high density, and it may require extra moisture and care to maintain its health and shape. To manage 3B locks, using moisturizing products, regular deep conditioning, and gentle handling are key.

What Is 3B Curly Hair?

The 3b type hair is characterized by well-defined, tight curls that resemble a spring which usually has ringlets with the circumference of a Sharpie. The curls of 3B hair are tighter and have more volume compared to type 3A hair.

Additionally, this hair type is prone to frizz and can be coarse. Therefore, to combat dryness and frizz, moisturizing products, regular deep conditioning, and gentle handling are essential for managing these locks. Also, it requires extra moisture and care to maintain its health and shape. 

3B Curls VS Other Hair Types

Curls are like a form of art—each type has its unique beauty! 3B curls, in particular, are known for their well-defined ringlets that range from loose to tight. They often have a springy and voluminous quality, giving a lively and dynamic look.

Compared to other hair types, 3B curls are tighter than 2C but looser than 3C and 4A curls. Certainly! The classification of hair types is based on the curl pattern and texture, so let's break down the differences between the types and help you determine your hair type!!

Wavy Hair

  • 2A: Loose waves that are fine and tend to be straighter at the roots.
  • 2B: Slightly more defined waves that form an 'S' shape.
  • 2C: Waves with a more noticeable 'S' shape, often with some frizz.

Curly Hair

  • 3A: Larger, well-defined curls that are approximately the size of sidewalk chalk.
  • 3B: Springy, tight curls with a circumference closer to a marker or Sharpie.
  • 3C: Coils that are smaller in circumference, similar to a pencil or straw.

Coily/Kinky Hair

  • 4A: Tightly coiled curls with a defined 'S' pattern, resembling a crochet needle or spring.
  • 4B: Z-shaped curls that are less defined and may form a tight, compact afro.
  • 4C: Tight coils that may zig-zag, often with minimal curl definition and a high shrinkage factor.

Each hair type comes with its unique challenges and beauty. The numbering and lettering system helps people understand their hair's characteristics and choose appropriate care and styling techniques.

How To Care For Type 3B Curly Hair?

Taking care of those beautiful 3B curls involves a combination of moisture, gentle handling, and the right products. Here's a basic care routine:

1. Hydration is Key

  • Shampooing: Use a sulphate-free shampoo to prevent excessive drying. Consider co-washing (using conditioner only) between shampoos to retain moisture.
  • Conditioning: Regularly opt for a rich, hydrating conditioner to keep curls moisturized and defined.

2. Styling

  • Leave-In Conditioner: Apply a leave-in conditioner to damp hair to lock in moisture and define curls.
  • Styling Products: Use curl-defining products like creams, gels, or custards. Experiment to find what works best for your hair.

3. Detangling

  • Finger Detangling: Detangle hair gently using your fingers or a wide-tooth comb when wet, starting from the tips and working your way up.
  • Detangling Products: Use a detangling product or a leave-in conditioner to make the detangling process smoother.

4. Drying

  • Air-Dry or Diffuse: Air-drying is ideal for preventing frizz, but if you're in a hurry, use a diffuser attachment on a low-heat setting to dry curls without causing too much disruption.

5. Protective Styles

  • Low-Manipulation Styles: Choose styles that minimize manipulation to prevent breakage such as braids, twists, or buns can be protective and stylish.

6. Nighttime Care

  • Silk or Satin Pillowcase: Switch to a silk or satin pillowcase or silk bonettes to reduce friction and prevent frizz.
  • Protective Styles: Pineapple or loosely braid your hair before bedtime to maintain curl definition.

7. Regular Trims

  • Trimming: Schedule regular trims to prevent split ends and maintain the health of your curls.

8. Moisture Retention

  • Refresh Curls: Use a water and conditioner mix to refresh curls between washes.
  • Deep Conditioning: Incorporate regular deep conditioning treatments to keep your curls well-hydrated.

Remember, it's a process of trial and error to find what works best for your unique hair; Hence, patience and consistency are key!

Styling 3B Hair

If done right, styling 3b curly hair can be a fun and creative process. Here are some tips for styling and enhancing those gorgeous curls:

Start with a Good Base

  • Begin with freshly washed and conditioned hair to provide a clean and moisturized foundation for styling.

Leave-In Conditioner

  • Apply a leave-in conditioner to damp hair to ensure your curls are well-hydrated and defined.

Curl-Enhancing Products

  • Use curl-enhancing products like creams, gels, or custards that are specifically designed for curly hair which help define curls and control frizz.

Section Your Hair

  • Divide your hair into sections to make styling more manageable. This also ensures that each curl gets attention.

Finger Coiling

  • Try finger-coiling individual curls. Take a small section of hair, apply styling product, and twirl the hair around your finger to encourage the curl pattern.

Diffusing or Air-Drying

  • Allow your hair to air-dry for a natural look, or use a diffuser attachment on a low-heat setting to speed up the drying process without causing frizz.

Pineapple or Plop

  • Before bedtime, consider putting your hair in a loose pineapple (a high, loose ponytail on top of your head) to preserve your curls overnight.
  • You can also try "plopping," a method of wrapping your hair in a T-shirt or microfiber towel to set curls while drying.

Avoid Over-Manipulation

  • Be gentle with your hair to avoid disrupting the curl pattern as over-manipulation can lead to frizz and breakage.

Experiment with Hairstyles

  • Embrace different hairstyles like buns, braids, or twists; these not only protect your curls but also add variety to your look.

Refresh Curls

  • If your curls lose definition between washes, refresh them by misting with a water and conditioner mixture and scrunching to revive the curls.

Protective Styles

  • Consider protective styles like twists or braids to give your hair a break and promote hair health.

Please remember that everyone's hair is different, so it might take some experimentation to find the products and techniques that work best for your 3B curls. Enjoy the journey of discovering what makes your curls shine!

